Common Professionals Questions

How does Codex provide comprehensive cancer screening?

Codex provides comprehensive cancer screening using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, which help identify genetic mutations associated with 523 cancer-related genes and 9 types of cancer.

How does Codex provide comprehensive neuro-degenerative disease screening?

Combined with next-generation sequencing, the CoGenesis® Neuro panel screens for 199 conditions, and helps to refine diagnosis for neurodegenerative conditions. The sensitivity and specificity of detecting single nucleotide variations is >99.9%, with a >98% rate for small insertions and deletions of less than 10 base pairs.

What are the drugs covered by CoGenesis® Drug Response?

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Unit 220, 2/F, Building 16W, No. 16 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

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3008 2560
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