Breast Cancer Risk Factors that Cannot be Underestimated: Prevent Breast Cancer by Understanding the Risks


Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Current studies have found that breast cancer can be attributed to poor eating habits, such as excessive drinking, being overweight, and lack of physical activity. Studies by the World Health Organization have also shown that long-term intake of estrogen-related medicine can increase the risk of breast cancer. We expose a lot of carcinogenic factors during our lives, some of which are risk factors that we can avoid, and some are risk factors that we cannot control. The article lists various factors that increase the risk of breast cancer:

Risk Factors that we can avoid

Drinking: Higher alcohol intake associates with a greater chance to develop breast cancer.
Obesity: Adipose tissue can produce hormones that increase the chance of developing breast cancer.
Sedentary Behaviour: Being physically inactive can lead to increased risk of developing breast cancer.
Pregnancy History: Women who haven't given birth or have their first kid after their 30s have a higher risk of breast cancer.
Breast-Feeding: Breast-feeding can delay the recovery of menstruation after childbirth; hence, it would be reducing the risk of breast cancer.
Oral Contraceptives Pill intake: The use of a birth control pill could increase the chance of breast cancer.

Risk Factors that we can NOT avoid

Gender: Breast cancer is about 100 times more common in women than men.
Menstruation history: Menstruation accrues before 12 years old or menopause after 55 years old can increase the chance of breast cancer, due to longer exposure to female hormones.
Family: If you have a close relative with a breast cancer history, the chance of getting cancer is 3 times higher than others. If there are 2 or more family members who suffered from breast cancer, the risk of getting breast cancer is 7 times higher than average.
Genetic Mutations: If you carry BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 mutated genes, the risk of developing breast cancer is 10 times higher than others. About 10% of all patients with breast cancer are caused by a genetic mutation.
Risk Factors of Breast Cancer

Can the Risk of Breast Cancer be Reduced?

Although some prevention can reduce the risk of breast cancer, it does not reduce mortality. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and early detection can increase the survival rate of breast cancer. A healthy diet such as reduce excess alcohol consumption and exercise can reduce the risk of getting cancer.

However, even if breast cancer prevention measures are taken, 10% of the breast cancer cases still come from hereditary gene mutations. For a patient with a family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer, it is critical to discuss the need for genetic testing with a specialist as soon as possible.